Wednesday, August 3, 2011

letusan gunung lokon.AVI

eruption 17 july 2011
guide jotjelala  will give you information about cronologis eruption about the eruption of lokon volcano in tomohon city north sulawesi indonesia. from 13 july untill 4 august 2011.
yes lokon volcano is real regular active volcano and of the explosive volcano in the world.but thebiggest eruption was 24 october 1991 was killed a lady from lozan swisszerlandwhose name viviane  clavel.i was almost guide her according information by the staff ofhotel kawanua in manado [hotel kawanua hote] but  i was not there . I WAS STOP GUIDING TRAVELLERS TO LOKON VOLCANO BECAUSE LOKON VOLCANO WAS 4 LEVEL.
1august 2011 erption
3 august 4times eruption.
4 august 20114times erupion